I love sadness (5)

The ending was sadder than I had originally planned.

I used a Godot plug-in called Dialogue Manager to do the final conversation, after you actually meet the one behind everything that has been happening. I added some little variations in the dialogue, depending on certain choices that you make.

I rely a lot on animations and connecting signals through buttons, but I think it works well. It does look like the game is talking to you before you unlock the dialogue, so that's great. If I had more time, I would have made it longer, but time is something that I cannot waste anymore. Thankfully, the very simple aesthetic made everything easier.

Z makes me very sad. They really are stuck in a program. I have to make an executable file, but for now I'll just post the html version because I do not want to make the icon yet. I will work on that later.

But hey! It's a game!

nevermind i can't play it in browser but the .exe works  so yippie...

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