A Game Plan Of Some Sorts ???!!! (2)

I am not entirely sure about how to describe the game, I hope to be able to describe it once I have developed it further. I was avoiding working on other assignments when I started doodling and writing notes about what the game could be, and at that moment I realised that I really do enjoy writing down my ideas on paper more than on my iPad. However, there was no paper available, so I had to work with what I had. Everything just flows easier when I have a notebook, but it is what it is.

At that point I had no plot,  just a simple concept and mechanics I could implement. I started making mystical connections and trying to find ways to fuck with the player, like buttons that do not work, things appearing and disappearing, and all that sort of things. I just wanted the program to feel alive, so that it can later be revealed that you can actually communicate with it, or with whatever was trapped inside of it. I was not sure whether I wanted you to talk to the program or to an entity trapped inside, and in the end, it is the program that you are able to talk to.

I tried to think about how a little creature-executable-program would look like, but none of my concepts felt good enough. I decided that I would pick the design later, maybe the program would actually talk to me and tell me what to do.

I wanted to do everything pixel art and very simple, both because I did not want to overcomplicate the graphics, and because I was still thinking of Sans and Undertale/Deltarune in general. I had a vague idea of what to do, and honestly that was good enough to start working on something.

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