How to do (it) (2)

As I mentioned before, I had not made a game like this before. The closest to it was when I participated in a game jam and we made a sculpting game, here is where I would put the link, but I did not do a lot of coding for that, but I knew enough to have somewhat of an idea of how it would look.

However, I did not know enough to start doing it with no tutorials and no guidance.

I searched for quiz game tutorials in Godot, and I did not find a lot. What I found was helpful, but I was still very lost. I was getting a little bit confused about whether or not I had to make a whole new scene for my questions or if I could just add them in the script of the main game scene, and no one had asked such specific questions before so I could find no answers.

And then, I had my second moment of enlightenment.

My stance on generative AI is very much against it, but I remembered that some professors and people in the industry have mentioned that, when in doubt, you could actually ask the AI for coding help. So I did the (figurative) walk of shame to ChatGPT and started asking questions, while I had the Godot documentation open on another window. This game is how I finally understood what arrays were and how they could be actually pretty useful  (not like I did not know, but stuff tends to make sense in my mind only after I have had first-hand experience with it).

After some reading and fucking out and finding out, I had a very VERY basic game screen that worked! Kind of. Sort of. It was very ugly and very unfortunate to look at, but it worked well enough for me to test the different buttons and the changing texts. I had a question text and a feedback text, that would tell you if you got the answer right or wrong.

I hope you read the “waaa” as the noise of Mario falling, like UWAAAAAAA, because that is exactly how it sounds in my mind.

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